14.12.2024 - Hammerschmid News

Rohrbefestigungen Hammerschmid wishes a Merry Christmas

As in recent years we provide financial support for the CliniClowns, the Kinder-Krebs-Hilfe and the Lions Club Gallneukirchen and hope that with this donation we have provided a small amount of help for suffering children and their families.

Moreover we would like to inform you that our company is closed from 20.12.2024 until 03.01.2025.
Our first working day is 7th of January 2025.

The whole Hammerschmid-team wishes you a merry christmas
and a good start into 2025!

Rohrbefestigungen Hammerschmid
We manufacture high-quality pipe fastenings, and our service is unique. Interested? Contact us!